To produce quality products at a fair price,
delivered on time, in a clean and safe workplace
where we value and appreciate each other and the community.
We Envision A Company That
- Is rewarding and meaningful to all of our employees
- Fosters great relationships inside and outside the company
- Demonstrates a caring culture with many examples of concern for one another
- Provides continual growth opportunities while maintaining stability and profitability
- Encourages creativity and collaboration
- Understands that the marketplace is dynamic and embraces positive changes
- Is known as a premier company in our fields of endeavor
- Is known as a valued corporate citizen—a company our community is proud of

Our Values
- Honesty and integrity as the cornerstone of all we do
- Serving each other, our customers and our community
- Treating our employees fairly, honestly, respectfully and generously
- Treating our vendors as well as we hope to be treated by our customers

We Are Here To Help
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